Αυτή είναι ή ιστορία τού Μίλτου Μανέτα, καλλιτέχνη γεννημένο στήν Ελλάδα, πού έφυγε νέος από τόν τόπο μάς και αφού πέρασε τήν μισή του ζωή στόν Βορρά - Ρώμη, Μιλάνο, Νέα Υόρκη, Λος Αντζελες, Παρίσι, Λονδίνο - ανακάλυψε τήν τυχερή γή της Κολομβίας. Σήμερα ζεί μεταξύ Μπογκοτά και Σαβινα, (Λάτσιο, Ιταλία) .
NextMAXXI is devoting a focus exhibition to Miltos Manetas based on the work "Italian Painting", from 2000, part of the museum’s collection and a forerunner of the series entitled "The Internet Paintings". Through oil painting and the web, the "Internet Paintings" come to life on canvas. Collages of site and images collected on the web, the surface of the Internet Painting modifies, updates and houses new pages just as every web site continuously evolves, appears and disappears. The themes of the paintings in the project: BerlinBiennale2016 (The Present in drag), Google Street View, MedioSud, Moda Muerta, Natura Matura, NEEN &Ñewpressionism & Selfies.
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NextInternet Pavilion for the Venice Biennale
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NextPainting my life with a brush, filming it with a BlackBerry as it happens
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NextWe live in days of Metascreen. Screens and networks are-for good or bad-part of nature. Screens "project", "transmit", "translate" but also "protect", "conceal" and "isolate". Screens hide from us the large view and isolate us from the whole showing us just a bit.
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start Manetas Timeline