"Sad Tree", 1995
4 "SadTree" paintings, for four exhibitions: "MORE THAN REAL", Palazzo Reale, Caserta, IT, "TRAFFIC", CAPC,Bordeaux, FR, SPRING COLLECTION, DESTE Athens, GR and ANALIX GALLERY, Geneve, CH
4 "SadTree" paintings, for four exhibitions: "MORE THAN REAL", Palazzo Reale, Caserta, IT, "TRAFFIC", CAPC,Bordeaux, FR, SPRING COLLECTION, DESTE Athens, GR and ANALIX GALLERY, Geneve, CH
“"An APPLE PowerBook: when kept closed it was all grey-with just a spot of color on it. It was so abstract and at the same time so perfectly realistic: "the perfect subject"
“what I liked most was computers so I decide to start painting them.
painting cables in NYC
“"My Floor" Paintings in NYC
A new Point of View in NYC
“"Playing Videogames" Paintings in NYC
“"There's something wrong.. I don't know what exactly.. We all seam suffering from something, we look like PATIENTS"
“in Rome: "New Groups"